Full Body Motion Tracking

Full Body Motion Tracking


Animaze support full body tracking through a few means:

  1. the Perception Neuron body tracker

  2. the Sony Mocopi body tracker

  3. the VMC Protocol

Additionally, Animaze supports mannequin animations that can be retargeted to the avatar’s whole body, allowing the avatar to use from an already large list of animations (dances and special idles), without custom animation work needed.

All trackers and body retargeters have dedicated configurators that enables the artist to map the skeleton hierarchy of the custom model to the reference model needed by each system. Check out the Avatar Inspector options (click on the avatar in the Hierarchy Panel, check the Avatar Inspector on the right hand side):

Useful Body Retargeters Configurators
Perception Neuron Retargeting Configurator


  1. the model needs to have an animation called TPose, which is a single frame with the avatar in T Pose. This is a reference pose that is used by several systems in the app. The description of the T Pose is:

    1. hands in forming a T shape with the body

    2. palms are facing down

    3. fingers are orientated straight following the direction of the arm

    4. the thumb is also orientated straight following the direction of the arm

  2. in the case you are importing a .vrm or .glb/.gltf format model, it is required for the model to be in T Pose by default.

  3. have the bone mapping correctly configured for the custom model imported. Animaze Editor will try a default mapping based on the type of avatar. Note, that these are recommendations, you can always reconfigure everything in Animaze Editor.

    1. Animaze Standard models (import fbx files) - follow our in-house standard

    2. VRM models (vrm files) - follow the VRM specs

      1. VRM 0.0: https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm-specification/tree/master/specification/0.0#defined-bones

      2. VRM 1.0: https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm-specification/blob/master/specification/VRMC_vrm-1.0/humanoid.md

    3. GLB models (.glb/.gltf files) - follow the Ready Player Me specs Full-body avatars | Ready Player Me

  4. You need to have a symetrical position in the idle 1 at the beginning and the end of the animation.