Animated Textures Component

Animated Textures Component


The Animated Textures Component allows for a simple frame-by-frame texture animation to be applied to the rendered surface as a Diffuse Texture, Normal Map or Specular Map.

Asset requirements

  • RGBA texture that will override the static Diffuse/Normal Map/Specular components' texture

    • tiled (rows and columns)

    • each cell has the same dimension (e.g. 4x4 of a 512 will result in a 128x128 tile frame)

    • use all tiles (e.g. 4x4 will have 16 frames of animation if you fill only 15, the 16th will be rendered anyway)

Material options

  • Nr tiles (rows and columns)

  • Use smooth Frame Blending (transition from frame to frame with a fade)

  • Nr frames per second (play rate)

  • Apply to Diffuse/Normal Map/Specular Map

  • Use as Texture Pose (will show up in the Poses menu for the Avatar, this is great if you want to swap makeups)